A unique women's boutique located in beautiful Ave Maria and serving all of SWFL
A unique women's boutique located in beautiful Ave Maria and serving all of SWFL
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Get 25% OFF on one regularly priced item per day.
Get 25% OFF on one regularly priced item per day.
Buy one of our durable canvas reusable bags and get 25% OFF on one regularly priced item per day. This reusable bag replaces monthly coupons and is a fantastic deal. Keep in mind that only one bag per customer may be sold. You may not share bags with other customers and we will not be able to holdover items until the following day.
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About Us
We are here to be your one-stop shop, where you can find everything you need to complete your next outfit. Some of the collections we carry include Belldini, Frank Lyman, Isle, Joseph Ribkoff, Luii, and beyond. Our staff will work with you to help you look your best.

Happening this Month!
Do not miss all the events we have in store for you. Add them to your calendars!